Safe Raymond amiibo bin file dumps for Tagmo/Placiibo

Amiibo Doctor is not hosting these files. It is unknown who compiled these bin files – this link was delivered to us by a reader. Amiibo Doctor does not verify the original ownership of bin files. This page is simply a directory to the current most updated listing of amiibo bin file compilations.

We get a cut from Amazon links on this page.

Before you use the bin files, see what uses are best for you! We have a guide on every method to make amiibo cards here. If you have more questions, see our category in the top menu!

If you’d rather not mess with bin files, this controller makes them easy!
It seems that some people are having problems with getting Tagmo to recognize these files. Our Tagmo guide has instructions on getting Tagmo’s newest version.

THESE FILES ARE NOT HOSTED BY AMIIBO DOCTOR. They’re hosted by Google Drive, and the person who compiled them is unknown. This is a complete set of amiibo bin files as of November 2021. Special thanks goes to the anonymous individual who runs this upload – they seem to be pretty good about uploading bins on the day of their release, or shortly after.


  1. Hey, I downloaded Raymond’s bin & put it in the powersaves folder without issue. However, when I save to powertag, it just says AMIIBO.


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